Sugaring Season has begun
Well, actually it began a while ago when Dylan came down in early February to start stringing lines and get wood ordered. We have been getting loads of logs delivered from a nearby family lumber business. The wood they delivered this year however will have to wait and dry thoroughly till next year to get enough btu out of it.
If you want to know, the work done so far includes all lines strung, most of the trees actually tapped (although it is tooo coooold to run) 1 large new tank bought to replace the two that were STOLEN last year...(yes stolen for scrap metal from way up on top of the hill After they had been cleaned meticulously and put away for the winter.) Collection tanks set in place, evaporator peeked at and fiddling begun, blower set up, pots moved from storage shed, and probably much much more. All this has been done with a Sick Dylan in the lead but aided by farm family and very appreciatively by new Philly friends. Yeah Philly connections! I think without Billy and Cassie Dylan would have been a much unhappier unhealthy sugaring work horse. On Tuesday Syl, Sol and I joined the crew, but we have been playing city people afraid to go out in the cold. Today Sylvan and I did wander out and get some nice shots which I will pull together in a short video. Dylan is better, the first run to Manning's has taken place (Chocolate and Vanilla) and the tank at Grist Mill actually had 200 gallons of sap in it! Grist Mill is a South facing hillside and is always the first run of the season. Saturday we lay out buckets and Sunday we expect a good thaw.
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